Monday, January 25, 2010

my so called life

Today was good in the sense that the kids behaved and I was able to get caught back up on laundry. Unfortunatly because Eva took an early nap this morning I was not able to go the gym and run before getting Austin, and therefore not able to run at all today. On top of that it seems that Phil has finally caught the bug that we all had, and it is hitting him hard. Poor guy has been wiped out since he got home from work. I am so looking forward to Spring/Summer when I don't have to worry about everyone being all bundled up before we go outside. That and the kids are going a little stir crazy with having to be inside all the time. I thought that I was starting to run out of things for them to do, but came up with painting for Ariel this morning. She loved using the water colors. I am extremely impressed with her artistic skills. I am sure that she doesn't get it from me because I can hardly draw a stick figure :) My sister, Krista, is a wonderful artist! So maybe that's where Ariel is getting it.
I have also decided that playdoh and I have a love/ hate relationship. I love how it keeps the kids entertained for a long time, but I hate the fact that I find it all over my kitchen the rest of the night (and honestly sometimes the next morning)
Eva is sleeping through the night, at least 7hrs every night. I am so pleased, but need to be more disaplined and go to bed right after she does (or at least before 11pm) I find that I am so much nicer and more helpful in the morning if I get that sleep. Well, Eva is calling to me right now so I must go.

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